• Head of Laboratory: Prof. György CSEREY
  • Members: Dr. Miklós KOLLER, Dr. Sándor FÖLDI, Dániel HAJTÓ, Boldizsár BALOG, Benedek TASI, Dávid PELYVA, Anna IGNÁCZ, Attila RÉPAI, Bendegúz H. ZOVÁTHI, András BENEDEK, István SZÉKELY, Tamás ENDREI, Péter FODOR, Veronika KISS, Anna GELENCSÉR-HORVÁTH, Katalin SCHAFFER, Maulana RIZAL 
  • Our mission is to apply unique ideas inspired by Biology using Information Technologies. How can we design better prosthesis? How can you teach a robot arm to grab objects safely and work effectively with people? What is the functional connection between visual and tactile sensing? How to measure a person's continuous blood pressure in a non-invasive way? An innovative 3D force sensor developed jointly with PhD students has been purchased by many universities and research institutes for research and development purposes, along with many companies in the robotics industry.